What is time these days anyway? György Ligeti and John Cage skip rope with Tony Schwartz’s niece, while a man in England details a year's worth of eating. This evening has a whole day in one spot in sub-Saharan Africa, a song that lasts hundreds of years, and more metronomes than you can shake a stick at. Live Q&A with Leah Reid. **All streaming shows start at 6PM Pacific Time.
“Starting the Show: Two Perspectives in Sound” -- The World According to Sound
“ASLSP” (2012 Chord) -- John Cage
“Nancy Grows Up” -- Tony Schwartz
“Lou Gehrig’s Farewell Speech” -- Lou Gehrig
“Historic Keyboards: Bach’s Prelude in C” -- The World According to Sound + Cornell Music Department
“Everything Eaten in One Year” -- Elliot Smoke
“Shepard Tone”
“Echo Poem” -- The Firesign Theater
“Poèm Symphonique” -- György Ligeti
“ASLSP” (2013 Chord) -- John Cage
“First 2:00 of ‘Your Radio Playhouse’” -- Ira Glass
“Reverie” -- Leah Reid
“Slowed Down Birds” -- The World According to Sound + Cornell Lab of Ornithology
“Voice Over Emails” -- The World According to Sound
“1981 FedEx Commercial” -- John Moschitta Jr.
“Cup of Tea” -- The World According to Sound
“ASLSP” (2020 Chord) -- John Cage
“Ol-Olool-O” -- Chris Watson